God and Aseity
God and Aseity
Can God not be a se, or lack the property of aseity? Aseity is the attribute whereby a being is said to exist of or from itself. A necessary being exists in all possible worlds. Therefore, it is an analytic a priori that is impossible for the necessary being not to exist. I would argue that aseity is a necessary attribute of God and to lack aseity entails that that being cannot be God.
In the traditional conception of the Trinity, only the Father is a se since the other two persons, the Son and Holy Spirit are eternally begotten or proceed from the Father. If this were the case, then the divine nature does not entail aseity as each of the persons are fully God yet two of the three persons do not have the attribute in question. Rather it is a hypostatic property of the Father alone. However, this brings the question, would there be another essence, an a se essence, which is not the divine essence? For example, if there is nothing special about aseity, there could be an a se rock that does not hold the divine nature but is still a se. Then the question becomes, why is God a se in the actual world rather than a rock? This would entail that God is a contingent being. If God lacked aseity, there could be a possible world with the a se rock alone without God. For God to exist in all possible worlds, He must have aseity.
If there is an a se rock, if that rock is a lonely object, or if nothing is existing alongside that rock, it is logically necessary for that rock to have aseity since there is nothing outside the rock to depend on for its existence and therefore aseity is an intrinsic property. If that is a legitimate possible world, that would entail that God is not metaphysically necessary because that would be a world where He does not exist. If there was a world where both God and the a se rock exist, there would be two a se beings. That would entail there is nothing special in the divine nature for something to be a se. Would that rock be necessary or contingent? If the rock was necessary, there would be two necessary beings which is polytheism. If it was contingent, then the a se rock would not be a se. Aseity entails necessity such that if that rock exists alone a se it is from itself it has an explanation. Therefore, for God to be necessary, He must also be a se.
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