Ibn Taymiyya’s Critique of the Syllogism
Ibn Taymiyya’s Critique of the Syllogism Before we discuss Ibn Taymiyya’s critique of syllogisms, the background knowledge of Ibn Sina and Aristotelian epistemology needs to be established. Like the Thomists, Ibn Sina was a foundationalist. Foundationalism builds new knowledge on a base of primary knowledge. Without this base, reasoning would lead to an infinite regress (constantly needing to justify each step with another, prior step). Furthermore, Ibn Sina divided knowledge into conceptualization and assent with the former being concepts of the mind such as primary and acquired concepts. Primary concepts are known immediately without the need for reasoning. Examples include fundamental notions like “thing” and “existent”. Acquired concepts, on the other hand, are obtained by forming real definitions. These definitions specify the essence of a species by indicating its genus and specific difference. For example, the conce...