Dialectical Materialism

Marx proposes dialectical materialism. He loved Hegel’s dialectic and his progression but Marx, a materialist, he does not believe in the existence of a soul or the non-material world. He sees a materialistic evolutionary progression from simple to complex and the same in human beings. Humans in a more primitive state would be more tooth and claw but as we grow as a species we are to be more communal and collectively minded or communist. History is the story of human struggle, specifically class struggle. The thesis, an emperor, and the antithesis, the slave, and the synthesis being a king, i.e. a feudal system. Then the king being the new thesis, the antithesis is the serf, the synthesis would be the bourgeoisie and the merchant system. The bourgeoisie would be the new thesis, the antithesis is the proletariat, and the synthesis is the communist system. However, it could be argued that the final synthesis would be capitalism instead of communism. The antithesis of capitalism would be communism, the synthesis of communism and capitalism would be the next stage of class evolution according to Marxist/Hegelian dialectics, perhaps socialism. The antithesis of socialism would be anarchism. Perhaps the synthesis of anarchism and socialism would return back to the emperor and the slave, to cyclically repeat over again.
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