Free Will vs Determinism vs Compatibilism: Answers from an Islamic Paradigm
Free Will vs Determinism vs Compatibilism: Answers from an Islamic Paradigm Libertarianism: Individuals have genuine, uncaused free will, allowing them to make choices independently of any deterministic or external influences. People can truly be the ultimate originators of their actions and decisions. Hard Determinism: Human actions and choices are entirely determined by factors such as genetics, environment, and past experiences. According to this view, individuals lack genuine free will, as their decisions are predetermined by these external influences. Compatibilism/Soft Determinism: Compatibilism attempts to reconcile free will with determinism. Therefore, free will isn't necessarily the absence of external influences but rather the ability to act in accordance with one's own desires and motivations, even if those desires are shaped by external factors. Divine Decree or predestination is a difficult concept to comprehend as how can there be free w...